October 5, 2024 | 6 PM
Westin Hotel In downtown Dallas | Featured speaker Mike Huckabee
Join us
for an unforgettable evening at the inaugural Shaping the Future Gala, hosted by SAGU, who is becoming Nelson University. Taking place on October 5th at the prestigious Westin Hotel in Downtown Dallas, this event will celebrate our university’s journey and vision for the future. Experience an evening of elegance, inspiration, and philanthropy as we come together to support and shape the future of Christian education.

Keynote Speaker: Mike Huckabee
Mike Huckabee is the host of the TV Show “Huckabee” on TBN each weekend and appears frequently on Fox News and Newsmax, is the NY Times best-selling author of 14 books and a frequent speaker for corporate, civic, and non-profit groups all over the world. He was the 44th Governor of Arkansas from 1996 until 2007, becoming one of the longest-serving Governors in his state’s history. He left a legacy of tax cuts, job creation, the reconstruction of his state’s road system, K-16 education reform, and a nationally heralded and duplicated health initiative that focused on prevention.
Sponsorship Opportunities

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“Shaping the Future Gala marks a significant milestone in the history of our institution as SAGU transitions to Nelson University. It’s not just a celebration of change, but a recognition of our roots and commitment to excellence in Christian higher education. This will, no doubt, be a wonderful evening that provides a platform to forge new relationships and strengthen existing ones as we look towards the future. It’s a chance to network with like-minded individuals who share a passion for higher education and a vision for the future of Nelson University.”
– Gary Sutton, Chairman of Shaping the Future Gala & Commission on Advancement